Hi All,
In an attempt to change the targetSDKVersion to 26 and test against Android 8.0 and up, and since I don't have android phone running 8.0 and up, I wanted to use the Emulator for this.
Steps that I followed (after many attempts to make it work ):
1. Delete c:android folder
2. Create a new c:android
3. Download https://dl.google.com/android/repository/sdk-tools-windows-4333796.zip and unzip c:android
4. Open the IDE and make sure that path is setup properly then run SDK manager and install selected
5. at this point I have platforms android-27 & android-28
6. I setup the path to the android jar to : C:Androidplatformsandroid-28android.jar ( or android-27...)
7. I tried the default emulator, and it works just fine
8. Now I install Google APIs and Google Play Intel atom 64 images ....
9. Now I create a new AVD using Platform 28 ( I tried all options )
In all the cases I get the above error.
Please advise
In an attempt to change the targetSDKVersion to 26 and test against Android 8.0 and up, and since I don't have android phone running 8.0 and up, I wanted to use the Emulator for this.
Steps that I followed (after many attempts to make it work ):
1. Delete c:android folder
2. Create a new c:android
3. Download https://dl.google.com/android/repository/sdk-tools-windows-4333796.zip and unzip c:android
4. Open the IDE and make sure that path is setup properly then run SDK manager and install selected
5. at this point I have platforms android-27 & android-28
6. I setup the path to the android jar to : C:Androidplatformsandroid-28android.jar ( or android-27...)
7. I tried the default emulator, and it works just fine
8. Now I install Google APIs and Google Play Intel atom 64 images ....
9. Now I create a new AVD using Platform 28 ( I tried all options )
In all the cases I get the above error.
Please advise
Avd Macos Panic Missing Emulator Engine Program For X86 Cpu Windows 10
Avd Macos Panic Missing Emulator Engine Program For X86 Cpu 8
躓いた事 Android Studio を 3.3.2 - 3.4.2 にアップデートして、Pixel 3 のエミュレータをコマンドラインで起動しようとしたところ、下記のエラー PANIC: Missing emulator engine program for 'x86' CPU. 原因 SDK が古かった $ s.