OS X EI Capitan is the twelfth major release of OS X which is now known as macOS. IKEv2 is a protocol that is used to build automatic secure connections. Well, here’s how you can configure PureVPN on EI Capitan and above versions using IKEv2:
Apr 04, 2016 I also tried it over VPN and while I can see the shares, I seem to have trouble accessing the main folder where the shares reside. A friend was unable to connect to his NAS after upgrading to El Capitan. I just put aliases for the shares on his desktop, which seemed to work just fine. I didn't experiment with ethernet, but it was easily.
Things to Consider:
Before you begin, please make sure that:
- You have a working internet connection
- Mac Supported Device.
- A Premium PureVPN account (If you haven’t bought yet click here to buy)
1 Click on Apple Icon and select “System Preferences”
2 Click on Network
3 Click on + icon to create a new service
4 Insert the following info:
- From Interface drop down menu select “VPN”
- From VPN Type drop down menu select IKEv2
- Insert desired Service Name as PureVPN IKEv2, PureVPN US IKEV2, PureVPN DE IKEV2 etc
- Click on Create
5 Insert the following info:
- Insert desired server address in Server Address box. Click here to get the list of servers
- Under Remote ID: Insert pointtoserver.com
- Leave Local ID: Empty
- Check “Show VPN status on Menu bar.”
- Click on “Authentication Settings.
6 From Authentication Settings keep Username selected from drop down menu.
- Username: Insert Username provided by PureVPN
- Password: Insert Password provided by PureVPN
- Click on OK
7 Click on Apply then click on VPN Status Icon from Menu bar
8 Select “Show Time Connected”
9 Click on Connect and VPN connection will establish in few seconds.
10 VPN has been connected Sucessfully
Note: If you see Status Connecting… and Connect button turn to Disconnect that means VPN has been connected. Due to glitch Status doesn’t show connected. Simply click on your Lan / Wifi connection then click back on IKEv2 VPN connection and status will change.
There you go, your VPN should be connected successfully!
Please use the comment box for your suggestions & feedback. For additional help, please submit support ticket with errors and screen shots (if possible) OR Contact our 24/7 live chat.
Tags: elcapitan
Thanks for getting back with me so quickly!
Also, I think the '' address in the tutorial is a mistake. I don't know why that's in there, as it's not the address I'm supposed to use to connect to IPMI.
Address I need to reach:
Vpn Works For El Capitan 10
My current IP:
The tutorial's '' is probably an example not the real IP.
'My current IP:' is your public IP address (that is your router WAN's side IP) isn't it?
Vpn Works For El Capitan Download
I meant your LAN IP address range.