Sublime For Macos Terminal

File | Settings | Tools | Terminal for Windows and Linux

It is known that the color of the scrollback history will be lost when a terminal is maximized or minimized from or to the panel. There is no fix for this issue. Terminal panel background issue. If you are using DA UI and your terminal panel has weired background color, try playing with the setting panelbackgroundcolor in DA UI: Theme Settings. On macOs you can simply define alias in.bashprofile e.g.: alias sublime='open -a 'Sublime Text' everytime you open terminal,.bashprofile is sourced, and you simply can use sublime command. No need to make symlinks or export it to path. This solution is simples I ever saw.

Macos terminal admin

IntelliJ IDEA | Preferences | Tools | Terminal for macOS Ctrl+Alt+S

TerminalTerminal in sublime text 3

Sublime Macos Terminal

Use this page to customize the TerminalAlt+F12 settings.

IntelliJ IDEA implements the terminal functionality with a bundled plugin, which can be completely disabled by clearing the Terminal checkbox on the the Plugins page of the Settings/PreferencesCtrl+Alt+S.

Sublime Text Mac Os Terminal



Start directory

Specify the working directory where every new shell session should start.

Environment Variables

Specify custom environment variables for every new shell session.

Shell path

Specify the shell that will run by default. Here are some examples of different shells:

  • Bash: /bin/bash

  • Bash for Windows: bash.exe

  • PowerShell: powershell

  • Command Prompt: cmd.exe

  • Cygwin: 'C:cygwinbinbash.exe' --login -i

  • Zsh: /bin/zsh

Tab name

Specify the default name for new tabs.

Audible bell

Play the bell sound on an incoming escape sequence.

Close session when it ends

Close the current session when the corresponding process ends (for example, by kill).

Mouse reporting

Enable the mouse pointer support in the embedded local terminal.

Copy to clipboard on selection

Copy text selected in the terminal to the clipboard.

Paste on middle mouse button click

Paste clipboard contents by clicking the middle mouse button.

Override IDE shortcuts

Use shell-specific shortcuts instead of IDE shortcuts when the Terminal tool window is active.

Shell integration

Integrate the terminal with the system shell to properly keep track of your command history for sessions and load a custom config file with required environment variables.

Shell integration works for sh, bash, zsh, and fish shells.

Highlight hyperlinks

Highlight HTTP links in the terminal and make them clickable.

Activate virtualenv

For the project interpreter being a virtual environment, with this checkbox selected, the virtual environment is automatically activated (activate is performed automatically).

This option is available only if you have the Python plugin installed.